SA Pay Rate Calculator

How much could you be earning?

Use our pay rate calculator to see how much you could be earning in South Africa, when you work with the A24Group agencies. Nurses, care workers, AHPs and locums, we value the work you do.

Use our pay rate calculator now, to see how much you could be earning

Our current pay rates are available on our website above; please note that pay rates for individual contracts will vary due to contractual arrangements we may have. Always check with your consultant or on Staffshift when you accept a shift what the relevant pay rate will be.

Register now to start earning - it’s free and easy

Registering to work with the A24Group is the best way to find a selection of well-paid healthcare jobs in South Africa. Our purpose is to connect healthcare professionals with the best jobs for them, at the best possible pay rates.

It is free to register to work with us. Our friendly consultants will guide you through the once-off registration process. With us, you have a dedicated compliance, support and booking system available 24/7.

Need help with registration or compliance?

Contact our chat support services, our friendly team is available to help, answer questions and provide information 24/7: